Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Well that didn't last long

Yeah. I frogged my thrummed mitts. It took two episodes of Law and Order and a freaky episode of that show Medium about some freaky killer doll to pick out all the stitches. Let this be a lesson to me. Check. The. Gauge. Even more humilating is the fact that I knit the second mitt without noticing the gauge mistake in the first one. Bah.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Finished objects...again!

Yeah, I really need to start writing in this thing, but I'm suffering from an inferiority complex of sorts. I just can't think of anything to write that would be remoting interesting. Bah.

So here are some finished objects!

The first, a striped felted back from One Skein. This is knit in Knitpicks Wool of the Andes, or maybe the Peruvian, I can't remember. Anyway, it was a quit knit and my first felting project and it turned out great!

Before felting:

After it's trip in the washer with some dishsoap and hot water. I think it took about 10 minutes to shrink.

Next up, a pair of thrummed mitts -- in one weekend! This is Fleece Artist wool and roving in purpley browns, but I used the thrummed mitt pattern from Interweave Knits, which was much easier and much quicker and I totally loved the way the thumbs were worked.

Finished mitts!

The inside! Sorry about the crappy pics -- losing light quickly.

Ha -- I may have made those thrums a wee bit too long....