Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Flat, Stale and Unprofitable

Such is life when the project you've happily knitted, blocked and sewn together is a failure. Unless, or course, the baby I'm knitting it for has octupus arms, and a tiny neck, and a torso so short his tiny baby organs are squished together like ass cheeks in a pair of too-tight pantyhose.

I'm going to take my little straightjacket to the local yarn store to see if they can diagnose the problem with the neck. I followed the pattern directions, but I admit to not exactly understanding what "easing fullness" means. The band around the neck is all stiff and hard and tight. If they can't help me, I'M NEVER ATTEMPTING A SWEATER AGAIN.

In the meantime, I'm working on an Irish Hiking Scarf (a HelloYarn pattern) using Elann's Highland Wool in Irish Moss. IT BETTER WORK.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Growing up, I have a lot of memories of food that my mother made me for breakfast. I still haven’t gotten out of the habit of breaking the top off my soft or hard boiled egg and leaving it for my mother to eat, even though I don’t live with her anymore. We always ate breakfast in our house. Bacon and tomato sandwiches (in my pre-vegetarian days), cream of wheat, shredded wheat with warm milk, oatmeal with brown sugar and buttered toast dippers, pancakes, and fried eggs and peameal bacon on special occasions.

Mostly though, we ate cereal. Cherrios, Rice Krispies, Corn Bran, Raisin Bran and occasionally fattening bowls of Quaker Harvest Crunch. Cocoa Puffs were a rarity, but not entirely banned. Which is why I’m intrigued by the signs announcing that both “Cerealicious” and “The Cereal Bar” are “Coming Soon!” to the food court in the bowels of the building where I work. Will there be a rotating list of daily cereal specials? Will there be toppings and if so, will they be extra? Will they pour the milk for you or will they provide separate milk containers thereby preventing the dreaded sog factor? What about combos? Can I get orange juice and toast with that? It’s all a mystery at this point. Stay tuned.