Tuesday, January 31, 2006

One project down, many to go!

Yay! I finished a project!

I finally added a liner to my Unbiased bag that I made for my friend Jenn who lives in Australia (who isn't a regular reader of this blog, so I should be safe).

It was a birthday gift and I made a wee wallet thingy to go with it. Hee!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

How cool is this?

Ooo, or this?

How much would I love to get the waffle fries for Paul and how far would his eyebrow raise for spending $25 (US) on a mouse pad is really the question.

I'm tempted. I'm seriously tempted. Check out more options here.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Europe Bound (again)

I hope I don't jinx myself...but it looks like a May trip to Europe is becoming a reality! Yee-ha! We got together with a group of friends on Sunday and came to the conclusion over a few pints that an 11-day Prague, Vienna, Budapest trip was do-able.

I'm so looking forward to Budapest especially. I'm not sure why. Likely because when I was reading The Historian, I got a glimpse into 1950's communist Hungary and was intrigued.

I'd still really like to visit Amsterdam though...and Stockholm. And Paris. And maybe Turkey. Egypt would be awesome too. And Russia....

Monday, January 09, 2006

I couldn't help it

I've done it. I've subscribed to Interweave Knits magazine. It was only a matter of time. I had to! Look at the sweater on the cover! I covet!

I'm still working on my Mom's blanket. Poor Mom. She had her cochlear implant operation and while the actual surgery went well, her recovery from the effects of the anaesthetic (yes I did have to look up how to spell that) did not. She's finally being released from the hospital today and hopefully she's on the mend. One side of her poor head is covered in staples though!

Must. Finish. Blanket.

I think I'm going to swing by my local yarn store and get one of those kitchy lables to attach to the finished project. You know, one of those "made with love from your hardworking daughter" type lables so that it'll be impossible for her to throw it out. Ever.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The best line in a story I’ve come across in a while...

"You can certainly cook. It's a pity you are such a detestable crank in other respects."

Ha! Is it wrong that I aspire for someone to say that about me? Alas...