I've done it. I've subscribed to Interweave Knits magazine. It was only a matter of time. I had to! Look at the sweater on the cover! I covet!

I'm still working on my Mom's blanket. Poor Mom. She had her cochlear implant operation and while the actual surgery went well, her recovery from the effects of the anaesthetic (yes I did have to look up how to spell that) did not. She's finally being released from the hospital today and hopefully she's on the mend. One side of her poor head is covered in staples though!
Must. Finish. Blanket.
I think I'm going to swing by my local yarn store and get one of those kitchy lables to attach to the finished project. You know, one of those "made with love from your hardworking daughter" type lables so that it'll be impossible for her to throw it out. Ever.