Phew! There are always gaps in my postings, but this was getting ridiculous! As my friend
Dave said, “you’re back from Europe, the CBC is on the air and it’s time to start blogging again.”
Our trip to Greece and London was great and I’ve got a bit of a travelling bug…I hope it’s catching. Next on the list is another jaunt to Europe. Prague and Vienna are compelling as are the twin cities of Buda and Pest (I think that's Buda on the left and Pest on the right but I'm not sure).
There’s also a cruise ship that travels through Northern Europe making stops in Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, Cohenhagen, St. Petersburg and a city in Estonia I’ve never heard of! If we can manage to get a group of friends to go with us, it’ll almost be too good to be true.
In the more near future though, the other half and I are trekking out to unknown parts of Etobicoke tomorrow evening to attend a lecture entitled “Tavern in the Town: A Look Back at Drinking in Toronto.” As a history buff, and a quaffer of beer, this seems an appropriate educational event to attend…especially given that the admission price includes a sampling of 19th century “bar snacks.” One can assume that “Chex Mix” won’t be offered, thank god.
Speaking of beer, a friend and I met for lunch this afternoon at an upscale joint where purportedly “80% of the menu features beer as an ingredient.” Yum! I had a Unibroue beer called “Blanche de Chambly,” a white beer that was really refreshing. I paired it with a beer-marinated mushroom and blue cheese pizza that was quite tasty.
I’ll report back on those bar snacks for you.