Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Well that didn't last long

Yeah. I frogged my thrummed mitts. It took two episodes of Law and Order and a freaky episode of that show Medium about some freaky killer doll to pick out all the stitches. Let this be a lesson to me. Check. The. Gauge. Even more humilating is the fact that I knit the second mitt without noticing the gauge mistake in the first one. Bah.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Finished objects...again!

Yeah, I really need to start writing in this thing, but I'm suffering from an inferiority complex of sorts. I just can't think of anything to write that would be remoting interesting. Bah.

So here are some finished objects!

The first, a striped felted back from One Skein. This is knit in Knitpicks Wool of the Andes, or maybe the Peruvian, I can't remember. Anyway, it was a quit knit and my first felting project and it turned out great!

Before felting:

After it's trip in the washer with some dishsoap and hot water. I think it took about 10 minutes to shrink.

Next up, a pair of thrummed mitts -- in one weekend! This is Fleece Artist wool and roving in purpley browns, but I used the thrummed mitt pattern from Interweave Knits, which was much easier and much quicker and I totally loved the way the thumbs were worked.

Finished mitts!

The inside! Sorry about the crappy pics -- losing light quickly.

Ha -- I may have made those thrums a wee bit too long....

Monday, November 06, 2006

I. Can't. Stop.

The. Knitting.

I'm catching up on previous episodes of Cast-On (a podcast for knitters) -- and if you're a knitter, you must, I mean must, listen to at least an episode or two because it's so good, and funny and practical and...well, just do it okay? -- and I think it's responsible for the frenzy of knitting that has been my life the last few weeks.

I finished a modified Irish Hiking scarf for my Mom (pictures on that to be posted once they're sent to me -- hint, hint Norm :) ) and then cast on for my first ever pair of thrummed mittens using a Fleece Artist thrummed mitten kit. Um, fun!? I finished the first mitt today and it's a wee bit short in the hand so they're going to be a gifted, but here's a pic:


And this is the inside! Gah -- it's looks like some kind of mutant muppet hand!

I remember being so enamoured with the first pair of thrummed mitts I ever saw. They were posted on Jen's blog -- erm, make that hole, and they were a just a confection of cotton candy goodness that I think that's the colourway I'm going to have to make for myself.

I know the cardinal rule is to immediately cast on for the mate, but I couldn't help myself and started a cotton dishcloth from Mason Dixon Knitting for a certain someone I know who digs blue kitchen supplies.

She'll probably have to wait until her birthday to get them though.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Finished Objects!

Whahoo! A finished Clapotis knit in Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in "Lakeview." Using Shepherd Sock makes a sort of mini-Clapotis, which works fine for me.

I also finished an Irish Hiking Scarf using Elann's Peruvian wool in a sort of mossy green.

And I knit up a wee little neck scarf for fall out of one skein of a hand-dyed wool alpaca blend that I picked up at the little yarn shop in Whitevale. I loved the colours so much I had to have it. Much hugging of the skein ensued before it was knit, I loved it so much. Alas, the scarf is a bit scratchy, but that's not it's fault. I saw the design of this thin scarf in a store and liked the little i-cord flowers that were sewn a the bottom. Actually, I was amazed that I actually knew how to create those flowers: "Hey those are, like, i-cords, stictched into flowers! I know how to do that!"

Next, if I manage not completely pull my hair and give up in frustration is a pair of socks!